From the Beginning....and the Genesis for Series Two..
We pick up the story at the end of the first series of shows, Snarfdude and former co host Moondog found themselves caught in an implosion of the old Pit Studios, the dingy dark and disgusting area where they risked life and limb to bring you cheesy delights each week. for 46 episodes for series 1.0.
After a quick trip to the hospital to take care of what amounted to simple flesh wounds, the boys decided to reluctantly call it a day. Fans around the world mourned the loss of the weekly program that they had come to know and love. Much like many programs, Cheeze Pleeze went into what the boys thought were permanent reruns on the web site while Moondog hit the bottle - after he was quickly rushed to the emergency room to get stitches for the cut on his hand, he decided to start drinking heavily.
But wait...there's more....
A stint in Betty Ford cleaned him up and dried him out. After his 12th step, he tracked down Snarfdude relaxing (?) in a Mental Institution, on the insistance and recommendation, of the once friend, but now seems to be foe, Laverne, The Research Assistant. (This was not what Snarfdude had in mind when he asked Laverne for a commitment). Moondog broke SD out by crashing his newly acquired 1978 VW Microbus into the institution.
Since then, the two have been living underground, off the grid, acquiring new gear and scouring Sally Ann, Goodwill and other second hand stores across North America for those prized recordings so treasured by listeners of Cheeze Pleeze. Avoiding the law, and Laverne's seemingly endless effort to try to locate and then put back Snarfdude in the institution, the boys beam a weekly 30 min show to the devote listeners via their web site.
The bizarre slightly tragic turn of events...
Then, a turn of events saw the show go in reruns, while SD and MD secretly travelled across the continent to Roswell New Mexico, site of a well known UFO sighting over 50 years ago. Looking for some of the cheesiest souvenirs they can find, the boys got separated exploring the town. Just before SD fired up the ole satellite the record another show, he found a poor scribbled letter from MD saying that Billy Bob (one time show engineer from the "pit" days) has come for him in Roswell, to take him onto a special project which he cannot tell anyo
Now..the facts....
Since 2002 Internet radio fans around the world have been tuning in with delight and disgust to Cheeze Pleeze, hosted by Snarfdude and by first Moondog, and now currently, Daffodil. Each week the duo drops an irreverent mix of alternative cuts, celebrity oddities, novelty tunes and remakes sure to shock awe entertain and even baffle listeners.
The original series ran 46 shows from February 2002 through May 2003 when the guys decided to take an extended leave. Those shows ran 60 minutes and found a solid fanbase and several affiliates on line. You'll find some of the original shows and eventually all of them available on archive.org.
When those original 46 proved even more popular in reruns, picking up many new affiliates and fans, Snarfdude and Moondog decided to revive Cheeze Pleeze in 2004.The results can now be heard as Snarfdude and Daffodil present Cheeze Pleeze, Series 2. Trimmed down to a slimmer, uninterrupted 30 minute package, many of original series feature continue including the Celebrity Slip Up. In addition, you'll hear fun features like the Glove Compartment Gouda, One Hit Wonder Why's, Chart Topping Cheezies, Catbox Coverups, and Monster Truck/WWE flavored "Twin Tunes Death Match". It's a fast paced half hour of the weirdest tracks ever laid to anyone's ears compiled for your listening pleasure by two questionable nut jobs who agree that this is the true alternative music.
And you Uncle Skeeter groupies can get your fix as the slightly greasy and kinda creepy character is here to introduce and close out the show.
Snarfdude and Daffodil welcome and encourage indie artists from around the world to send their CDs or MP3 links for play on Cheeze Pleeze hey, you never know who might be listening! Among those who have already done this are Chance Langton and the Modest Lads. They've also helped renew interest in some obsecure songs, like "Disco's In the Garbage" and "Coffee Shop Cop" both of which are endorsed by the artists/producers to be placed on the show download page, and played on the show.
Whether you'd like to submit your recordings or are interested in adding Cheeze Pleeze to your station, Drop us a line. It's a free service for community/LPFM/internet and college radio stations. Programming that has to be heard to be believed. New shows are uploaded to our affiliates only page on the site and the NCRA program exchange every Wednesday no later then midnight eastern time. Literally hundreds of shows later, we're still going strong!